

hari yang sial

dah 3 bulan ikutan ptc advercash...hasil juga dah tinggal nyairin ke rekening...ehhh..karena kesalahan yang sedikit berujung fatal..

"You have been caught breaking the TOS set by AdverCash.
You are now banned for life.
You were most likely caught with a referral who happens to use the same internet connection as yourself.
This is directly against our terms of service and cannot be overlooked.
Simply, if we allowed this, users could create multiple accounts to click on just to build up their main account with referrals.
This is unfair to those who pay for ads, and even the others who click them, and will not be tolerated.
Another option is you decided to use autoclickers.
If you did this, you don't get your account back, simple as that.
If you TRULY feel that you have not committed this offense, please send in a support ticket.
Thanks for understanding."

itulah tulisan pertama kali saat saya login di advercash...account saya di jadi deh traktir bakso temen2...
padahal kesalahan yang kubuat sepele aja, tp mungkin karena kurang mendalami TOS advercash jadi dianggap melanggar,
saya login pake komputer teman dalam satu line jaringan, dan di komputer temen sudah ada account sejenis..ternyata itu dianggap curang oleh advercash..dianggap punya account ganda...
mungkin teman2 yang gemar ptc harus lebih hati2..jangan ceroboh spt saya..bisa nyesel he2....

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